Article 247 Any judicial officer who extorts confession from a criminal suspect or defendant by torture or extorts testimony from a witness by violence shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention. 第二百四十七条司法工作人员对犯罪嫌疑人、被告人实行刑讯逼供或者使用暴力逼取证人证言的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役。
If a criminal suspect or defendant who should be arrested is seriously ill or is a pregnant woman or a woman breast-feeding her own baby, he or she may be allowed to obtain a guarantor pending trial or be placed under residential surveillance. 对应当逮捕的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人,如果患有严重疾病,或者是正在怀孕、哺乳自己婴儿的妇女,可以采取取保候审或者监视居住的办法。
It applies only when there is a continued threat to public safety and is not open-ended. Every criminal defendant has a right to be brought before a judge and to have access to counsel, he said. 他表示:只有在公共安全面临持续威胁时,这项规定才适用,而且它不是无止境的。每一位刑事被告都有权由法官审判,并有权得到律师的帮助。
The enforcement of the criminal judicial power may influence defendant's property right seriously in criminal procedure. 刑事诉讼中国家权力的运用可能与被追诉人的财产权产生尖锐的冲突。
A Discussion on the Unharmony of Criminal Defendant System 刑事辩护制度不和谐探究
There are two factors in the cases as the object of the criminal procedure: defendant and criminal fact. 作为刑事诉讼客体的案件由两大要素构成:一为被告人,二为犯罪事实。
Currently we must change the phenomenon of emphasizing pursuing the criminal liability of the defendant, while neglecting the protection of the victim. 当前我们急需扭转重视对被告人的刑事责任的追究,忽视对被害人保护的现象。
This text uses criminal law theory to analyse criminal case, thinks defendant behavior should forge the crime of the seal definitely, but not forge financial coupons crime or other crime. 本文运用刑法理论分析了一起刑事案件,认为被告人行为应当定伪造印章罪,而非伪造金融票证罪或者其他罪。
The inapplicability of placing burden of proof upon the defendant is determined by the principles of presumption of innocence, non-self incrimination and the procedural structure of criminal proceedings, though the defendant should bear the burden of proof under some circumstances. 无罪推定原则、不被强迫自证其罪原则以及刑事诉讼结构的特点决定了被告人承担证明责任的不适用性。但被告人在一定情形下有举证负担。
It has very important meanings on the criminal procedure law that the defendant pleads guilty, it can cause the emergence and change of certain procedures in the lawsuit as a kind of juristic act. 被告人认罪在刑事程序法上具有非常重要的意义,它作为一种法律行为,能在诉讼中引起一定程序的发生和改变。
Although sentencing claim right cannot decide the criminal penalty of defendant at the very end, it can bring out certain affect on and positive check to the discretion in sentencing of court and assist court with accurate discretion in sentencing. 求刑权虽然不能最终决定被告人的刑罚,但对法院量刑能够产生影响和一定程度的积极制约,协助法院准确量刑。
Defence is a basic and key litigation right of the criminal suspect and defendant. 辩护是犯罪嫌疑人、被告人享有的最基本、最关键的诉讼权利。
On criminal defendant lawyer's practicing right in China 论我国刑事辩护律师执业权利
The final illustrating right is an important legal right of criminal defendant in the try. 最后陈述权是刑事被告人在庭审中所享有的一项重要的诉讼权利。
The common person inflicting injury who is not pursued for liabilities for legal reasons, heir at law of the criminal defendant who has died in the complicity and accomplice at large may be also defendants in incidental civil actions. 对由于法律原因未被追究责任的共同致害人,共同犯罪中已死亡刑事被告人的法定继承人,在逃同案犯都可以成为附带民事诉讼被告人。
Its theoretical basis lies on the legislative special concern towards the inferior position of criminal defendant and the principle of statement. 其理论基础主要在于立法对刑事被告人弱势地位的特别关注以及对言词原则的体现。
The social relations formed by the rules are inseparable from the existence of a criminal defendant. 刑事证据特权规则之中形成的社会关系都离不开刑事被告人的存在。
Criminal compulsory measures are the effective means for guaranteeing the successful implement of criminal process while they are harmful to the basic rights of the criminal suspect or defendant. 刑事强制措施是保障刑事诉讼顺利进行的有效方式,然而,适用刑事强制措施必然对犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的人身权利等基本权利造成损害。
Meanwhile, this system is specific execu-tive authority by some extent distort become violations of the criminal suspect or defendant legal property rights of excuses. 同时,该制度被具体执行机关一定程度上扭曲运用而成为侵害犯罪嫌疑人、被告人合法财产权的借口。
The theory of procedural subjectivity holds the point that the criminal suspect and the defendant can not passively wait for state prosecution in criminal procedure and passively accept judgment but should be entitled the equal right of complaints with the state authorities. 程序主体性理论认为犯罪嫌疑人、被告人在刑事诉讼中不能消极地等待国家的追诉,被动地接受法官的审判,而应该享有同国家控诉机关相对等的抗辩能力,不再承担自证其罪的义务。
Detaining after arrestment, means custody after the arrestment of criminal suspect or defendant. 捕后羁押,即犯罪嫌疑人、被告人被逮捕以后对其进行的羁押。
The Japanese Lay Judge System will make the influence in defense system, one is the lawyer system for the nation chose by the past, expanding the scope of the limited to expand to suspected criminal defendant. 裁判员制度对辩护制度的影响,一是适用国选律师制度的范围扩大,由过去的仅限于刑事被告扩大到被疑人。
The defence right of the criminal suspects or the defendant is of importance, which is self-evident. 辩护权对犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的重要性不言而喻。
Say simply, its essence is to give the criminal suspect and the defendant to the right hushing or declining an answer to cross-examining of judiciary personnel. 简单的说,其实质就是赋予犯罪嫌疑人、被告人对司法人员的讯问保持沉默或拒绝回答的权利。
The dichotomy is used the burden of proof structure in this text, which is, Provide evidence responsibility and the burden of persuasion, in order to study the burden of proof of criminal defendant. 本文采用的是二分法的证明责任结构,即提供证据责任和说服责任的结构对刑事被告人证明责任进行研究。
The stipulation of the residential surveillance should be implemented in the habitation of the criminal suspect or defendant, the person who has no fixed residence, can be carried out in a designated place. 该条文规定了监视居住应当在犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的住处执行;无固定住处的,可以在指定的居所执行。
The system of criminal defense is, the criminal suspect, the defendant has the right to defense of the constitutional principle in criminal procedure embody and guarantee, which is the important part of modern legal system. 辩护制度是犯罪嫌疑人、被告人有权获得辩护这一宪法原则在刑事诉讼中的体现和保障,是现代国家法律制度的重要组成部分。
Obtaining effective assistance of counsels is a right of action that a criminal defendant is entitled legally in criminal proceedings, which is also very important for the accused to get a fair trial and achieve procedural and substantive justice. 获得律师的有效帮助作为刑事被告人在刑事诉讼中依法享有的一项诉讼权利,这对于被告人获得公平审判和实现程序正义与实体正义都具有非常重要的意义。
The rights of defence occupies the centre position during all the litigation rights of criminal suspect and defendant, and the other rights of them all work around the rights of defence. Without the centre, the other rights all lose its meaning of existence. 辩护权在犯罪嫌疑人、被告人各项诉讼权利中居于核心地位,刑事诉讼中犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的其他权利皆围绕辩护权而运作,离开了这个核心其他权利就失去了存在的意义。
The party making the accusation of wrongdoing bears the burden of producing evidence is the general rules in the criminal evidence system, but with the development of criminal proceedings, there is sometime that the criminal defendant bears the burden of producing evidence obligations under certain conditions. 刑事诉讼的举证责任由控诉方负担是刑事举证责任分担的一般规则,但是,随着刑事诉讼的发展,在特定条件下,还存在着刑事被告人负担举证责任的情况。